Family on Board » All Posts Mon, 03 Jun 2024 08:50:43 +0000 en-US <![CDATA[What is Autism?]]> Thu, 06 Feb 2020 06:07:38 +0000 admin What is it?

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are framed within neurodevelopmental disorders and are characterized by alterations related to communication and social interaction, as well as by presenting fixed interests and repetitive behaviors.

A few years ago, different types of autism were differentiated. Still, now we tend to consider them as a whole and distinguish them according to their severity and the skills they affect. 


There are no official figures for the prevalence of ASD around the world, but it is estimated that they could affect 1 in every 60 children. There are many more boys and men than girls with ASD. It could be because the condition affects more males than females. However, it seems increasingly clear that there has been a high underdiagnosis in women.


At present, it is not possible to determine a single reason that explains the appearance of the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Still, the strong genetic implication in its origin is possible. The significant variability present in this type of condition also points to the relevance that the interaction between different genes and different environmental factors may have in the development of ASD. However, for the moment, these elements are not clearly identified, and it is still a lot of research is needed about it.

It not know known with certainty yeat to what extent that genetic origin of autism is hereditary (transmitted from generation to generation) or accidental (as a result of a genetic injury produced at the time of fertilization or during pregnancy).

Evaluate Symptoms

In generalized developmental conditions, such as ASD, there is usually an alteration of functions. In a very short way, the following symptoms could be highlighted:

  • Stereotyped body movements.


  • Abnormalities in the emission, form, and content of the language.


  • Nonverbal communication.


  • Irrational insistence on routine monitoring.


  • Interests or restricted activities.


  • Deficits in social or emotional reciprocity


Due to a lack of confirmed research on the causes of autism, it is virtually impossible to prevent its occurrence. However, early diagnosis, knowledge of the condition, and, above all, a family environment committed to the problem, with the help of appropriate professionals, can contribute significantly to the well-being of people/children in the ASD.


ASDs can be difficult to diagnose because there are no medical tests, such as blood tests, that help confirms the condition. To make a diagnosis, professionals evaluate aspects such as the child’s behavior and development.

Sometimes they can be detected at 18 months or earlier. By two years of age, the diagnosis made by a specialist can be considered quite reliable. However, many children do not receive a definitive diagnosis until they are older, and there are few cases in which the problem is detected in adulthood. When there is an associated intellectual disability, the disorder is usually detected before.

Some Signals

  • Some alarm signals can make an exhaustive assessment of the child’s development advisable.
  • Towards 12 months of age, the child does not babble.


  • A child does not make gestures such as waving, pointing to ask for something, or displaying objects.


  • A child does not recognize his name or answer when called.


  • It is not interested in or involved in simple interactive games.
  • Between 12 and 18 months of age does not say a word.